A food app designed to focus on a food system that circled local sustainability and natural ingredients
0-1 | Mobile App | UI/UX Design
01 Objective
Cultivate Natural, Ingenious, and Mindful Food Choices
The project aims to facilitate accessible and healthy eating by prioritizing local information on natural ingredients and nutritious foods, emphasizing local farms and businesses.
02 Problem
Limited accessibility to healthy food information hinders people from making healthy eating choices
Despite a growing health consciousness, food inequality persists in communities with limited resources. The primary barrier to a healthy diet is the perceived high cost of healthy food (46%), along with time constraints (23%) and unfamiliarity with healthy cooking (20%). But, Limited access to affordable healthy food and local information hinders convenient healthy eating choices.
How might we facilitate healthy eating
with telling the story of natural ingredients?
03 Solution
LocaVo: A food app designed to cultivate a sustainable food system that champions mindful connections between people, food, and the land - centered around on local, seasonal ingredients.
The project aims to facilitate accessible and healthy eating by prioritizing local information on natural ingredients and nutritious foods, emphasizing local farms and businesses.
Take a sneak peek at the final prototype——
Ingredient-intrigued journey
Focused on curating nature's gift, you could Find the best in local, seasonal ingredients—embracing organic choices, and contributing to a circular well-being future.
Ingredient-centered Info
Focusing on what ingredient you would want to have, it provides redirected journey - Easily access info about what is used and where your food comes from; it's just fun!
Ingredient-inspired circle
Inspired by ingredients, you would know all about local restaurants, farms, and producers.
Empower them and support for a shorter supply chain, a more sustainable food system!
List & Memory map
It's all about explore and experience! A list of your saved restaurants. It's fun yet means a lot for your sustainable journey.
01 Research Methods
Identifying what impacts people's eating choices
As the source of ethnographic insights and interviewer recuition
Mainly with 3 people who have different persona
Research papers on food insecurity in the field of behavioral science
02 User Research Insights
Food-ordering Apps do not provide specific information about ingredients.
It is not always about food/eating; some people are out of ethical concerns.
Take a sneak peek at the uers' persona and journey——
03 Secondary Research Insights
Information facilitates source trustworthiness on health, locally produced food, which can drive positive behaviour changes.
Local food eating tended to mediate the perception of sustainability and healthy eating.
Local food system blends the perception of "nature", "community", and "place".
"The key factors motivating the choice were found to be quality, health, locally produced food, animal welfare and convenience. The main constraints to consumers' capability and opportunity to engage in sustainable food shopping were price and time. Our findings suggest that information can be a powerful behaviour change technique if tailored to customers' full shopping journey, including planning, executing, and reflecting on their food shopping. Understanding food shopping as a set of interacting behaviours playing out over time could help to design more effective information-based behaviour change interventions."
- Ran, Y., Nilsson Lewis, A., Dawkins, E., Grah, R., Vanhuyse, F., Engström, E., & Lambe, F. (2022). Information as an enabler of sustainable food choices: A behavioural approach to understanding consumer decision-making. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 642-656. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.03.026
Focusing on Information accessibility and sourcing trustworthiness, we transform people's full food journey.
01 Aligning Goals and Needs
Trials on early concept and user flow
While the project is initially for people who are health-conscious or have dietary restrictions, I developed early experiments for concepts and user flows. Some of them are entirely changed during the feedback and review - yeah, it happens a lot.
02 Concept Testing & Modification
Recalibrate the project purpose and concepts
During 3 rounds of feedback and conducting testing, I reflected on the incentives for users. As a result, I decided to scale down the core features and redesign its user flow based on repositioning.
01 Style
After setting clear of information architecture, I started to re-draw UI and buttons, and organize the color scheme and typography.
02 Components
For the whole architecture, I break down each segment and component and implement design systems into pixels, in order to make Media cards or other modules reproducible for larger database.
01 Prototypes and iterations
Implement user flows into interfaces and pixels
From medium-fi to high-fi, I conducted 3 major iterations to run through user flow. During discussions and reviews, I break down each segment and component and stipulate design systems into pixels.
Homepage - to Explore Ingredients & restaurants
Restaurant page - to know where your food comes from
My list - the food map that logs your footprint
01 Learnings
🔍 Market Analysis is critical for a 0-1 product positioning.
With an initial idea to improve on the accessibility of healthy life & food choices, I brainstormed multiple solutions; If being an ordering app or a healthy-diet app, it can become a homogeneous product in the already saturated app sectors.
💞 Uniqueness can be built on culture and community.
Settling the solution on the "Local, seasonal natural produce ingredients," it combines a sense of place, culture, and community. It does not emphasize eating. Instead, it communicates the storytelling of where the food comes from.
💡 Think about the incentives for both users and businesses.
Try to find the junction between user needs and business benefits. It does not have to be profits but has to be values.
📲 Social media is an effective and efficient approach to Online ethnographic research.
To fathom the behaviors, habits, values, motives, and frustrations of the "health-conscious" user group, social media is an ethnographic tool to dig into online communities, effective and efficient to be in serving these research objectives and recruiting interviewees.
02 Next Steps
🎯 Improve the interactiveness of the "My" module.
Currently, the "My" module is about a food map with user-recorded pins. We need to go back to the design process and brainstorm an engaging user journey, making the usage more personal & sustainable.
👥 Think about other groups and improve accessibility.
This APP is not necessarily only for health-conscious users. It is community-focused. Some other groups, like elderly people with special dietary requirements, might need it. Therefore, accessibility and inclusivity are imperative considerations for scaling up.
🧩 Think about designing a GAME for an engaging food story & user journey.
While focusing on "Local, seasonal natural produce ingredients," it might as well be an interactive game to improve the spontaneity for users to find the aimed food, and immersively experience the sense of place, culture, and community.
👩🌾 Bring on the power and participation of local suppliers & farmers & food system.
To scale up its impact on local sustainability & economies, we need to find a way to encourage participatory design so as to drive the food system.