A Study on the UX & Information Interaction on Cycling Navigation APP

An empirical research based on Task-Technology Fit (TTF) to hypothesize relationships between information design, tasks, user needs, perception, and overall experience

Empirical Research | Qualitative & Quantitative Methods | UX Redesign Case Study


01 Research Objectives

Optimizing the UX design of the cycling navigation feature

The study aims to shed lights on design optimization for the technological systems within the cycling feature on navigation/maps apps, improve its performance in terms of user's needs and experience.

02 Research Questions

Investigating the relationships among factors in features, UX design and user experience

The research are intended to resolve key issues such as:
(1) How do various factors in Task-Technology Fit model affect user experience? (paths and coefficients)
(2) How can interaction design be optimized to address the TTF misalignment and enhance user experience?

users' needs, task characteristics, technological features, and users' perceptions and attitudes.

Do Interactive Intelligent Systems Align with Users’ Desires?

03 Methodology

Identifying pain points and problems

Secondary Research
Online Surveys
Quantitative Modelling

X20 research papers in the field of Transportation Research

>200 responses

Theoretical framing of Task-Technology Fit (TTF) and statistical modelling


01 Product Feature Research

Auditing features and identifying UX redesign scope

Before formal in-depth research, I conducted a feature audit to gain insights into the APP's feature usage, which informed us about the direction of future development, deciding our research focus and redesign scope.

02 Theoretical Framework

Developing a conceptual framework to examine factors

Based on secondary research, we can frame a theoretical model constructed by factors that impacting users' perception, which will be used in hypothesis and survey design.

Secondary Research Papers:
  • Coronado E., Kiyokawa T., Ricardez G A. G., Ramirez-Alpizar I G., Venture G., Yamanobe N., Evaluating quality in human-robot interaction: A systematic search and classification of performance and human-centered factors, measures and metrics towards an industry 5.0, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Volume 63, 2022, P392-410, ISSN 0278-6125, doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.04.007.
  • Norman D. A., Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things[M], New York: Civitas Books, 2004
  • Jesse J. G., The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond[M]. 2nd Edition. CA: New Riders, 2010.
  • ISO 9241-210-2019, Ergonomics of Human-system Interaction-Part 210:Human-centred Design for Interactive Systems(2nd edition)[S].
  • ISO 9241-11-2018, Ergonomics of Human-system Interaction-PartⅡ:Usability:Definitions and Concepts[S].
  • Lachner F, Naegelein P, Kowalski R, et al. Quantified UX: Towards a Common Organizational Understanding of User Experience[C]. Nordic Conference on Human-computer Interaction, ACM, 2016.
  • 赵婉茹. 基于互联网产品的用户体验要素研究[D]. 无锡: 江南大学, 2015.
  • Mejs, Monika. Usability Testing: the Key to Design Validation. Mood Up team - software house. 2019. Retrieved 2019-09-11.
  • Kohavi, Ron; Longbotham, Roger. Online Controlled Experiments and A/B Tests. In Phung, Dinh; Webb, Geoff; Sammut, Claude (eds.). Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Science. Springer. 2023.
  • 郑杨硕,朱奕雯,王昊宸. 用户体验研究的发展现状、研究模型与评价方法[J]. 包装工程,2020, 41(06):43-49, DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2020.06.007
  • Davis F.D., Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly 13(3), 1989, pp. 318±339.
  • Dishaw, M. T., & Strong, D. M. Extending the technology acceptance model with task–technology fit constructs. Information & Management, 1999, 36(1), 9–21. doi:10.1016/S0378-7206(98)00101-3
  • WU B, CHEN X H. Continuance Intention to use MOOCs: Integrating the technology acceptance model (TAM) and Task Technology Fit (TTF) Model[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, (67): 221-231.
  • Rzepka, C., Berger, B. & Hess, T. Voice Assistant vs. Chatbot – Examining the Fit Between Conversational Agents’ Interaction Modalities and Information Search Tasks. Inf Syst Front 24, 2022,  839–856. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-021-10226-5
  • Peng Hu, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Experiencing power over AI: The fit effect of perceived power and desire for power on consumers' choice for voice shopping, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 128, 2022, 107091, ISSN 0747-5632, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.107091.

03 User Surveys

Conducting user surveys and data collection






Till 1/31/2024



Standard Cronbach α

04 Statistical Analysis

Conducting empirical research and data analysis

Empirical Results

01 Interactions to functionality

⚙️ Interaction are an integral part of technological functionality in Intelligent Interactive Systems.

The Task-Interaction Fit (TIF) significantly influences the Task-Technology Fit (TTF).

02 Interactions to user behavior

💡 Interactions do not affect the core value of navigation apps for users, but serve as "delighter features" with high marginal value.

While the Task-Interaction Fit (TIF) does not significantly affect perceived usefulness (PU), it does affect perceived ease of use (PE).

03 Task-Technology Fit to user behavior

🔌 It is crucial to fit the system algorithms to varied tasks in interactive intelligent systems.

Task-Technology Fit (TTF) significantly influences perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PE).

03 Task-Technology Fit to user behavior

🔎 Complexity of user needs and behavioral factors necessitates case-specified research on dynamic intelligent interactive systems.

The eight cycling environment characteristics investigated in the study all influence the Task-Interaction Fit (TIF).


01 Pain points on Function level

1. Route choices are only shortest paths.

Route Options

Very limited options, and route recommendations only based on shortest path

1. Google Maps

2. Gaode Maps (AutoNavi)
(like Google Maps in China)

2. Socializing Functions are mentioned.

Gaode Maps (AutoNavi) - like Google Maps in China

Positioned as a life Service App, Gaode Maps incorporated numerous functions and tools.
And this is hugely disturbing, even it has many socializable functions.

It has a function named "Group" where you can create a group of people and share the routes and pins.
1. It amounts to "hidden" for its over-designed functions and too complicated structure.
2. It is only limited to an already created community, not for simultaneous connecting or joint cycling.

Google Maps

Positioned as a Map-based App, Google Maps focused on sharing instead of socializing.

02 Pain Points on Task-related micro-interactions

Revealing the factors that impact cycling's experience






01 "Custom Route" Feature

Route Planning based on User's Task & Choice, and for fun discovery

Based on User Research, people with leisure/hobby purposes would like to stop by trendy places and explore new places. The current design of Google Maps allows users to add stops between origins and destinations. However, users expect to explore without self-planning.

Current Interface

Redesigned "Custom Route" Feature

02 Micro-interactions

Prompts on multiple route features

In our user research, interviewees showed a relatively low score on the prompts on Road Types, Road gradient, surface, and facilities along route. For cycling activity, this information about route features will impact many factors for cyclists, such as safety, comfort, attractiveness, and convenience. However, map apps oversee these prompts.

Though there are several types of bike lanes (lanes, tracks, paths), and they vary in different countries, we hypothesize that adequate prompts on the level of separation (sharing, partial separation, full separation) will be helpful to inform users of their safety concerns.

Current Interface



01 Learnings

🔑 Product Positioning is key to evaluate the design.

When assessing the feature set, product positioning is at the core of product and design strategies. Both based on Maps service, Google Maps and Gaode Maps have completely different product strategies and design strategies. Therefore, socializing or user-connecting functions will be of different value in their product.

🔍 Micro-interactions & Over-design

There will be endless factors impacting the transportation activity. Evident-based research is required to balance the micro-interaction design and over-design. Too many navigation prompts will aggravate users' cognitive overload and impede practical problem-solving.

📊 Quantitative methods have systematic limitations.

The System Usability Scale (SUS) included in our user surveys presented relatively high scores, but this quantitative method does not capture the insights for detailed feature set. It has to be complemented by qualitative research - in open interviews, we found that most users barely use some of the features.

💡 User research also informs algorithm strategy in Intelligent Interactive Systems.

As an example of Intelligent Interactive Systems, Navigation Maps Apps function on numerous algorithms for route planning. While shortest paths / fastest paths is still the most popular one, users reveals so much frustration on the technical issues.